InitVent Consulting Services Ltd Приложения

TiC TaC ToE ScReeN EdiTioN 1.0
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
Stop wasting paper! Now you can play Tic TacToe on your Android device for free. Tic Tac Toe Free is thebest-selling mobile Tic Tac Toe game of all-time."Tic Tac Toe Free remains one of the top free apps on iTunesbecause you get exactly what you paid for - a classic game of TicTac Toe."-Appolicious Review (5 / 5 bars)Tic Tac Toe Free supports one player and two player gameplay, soyou can play against another human or against your Androiddevice.The AI for one player mode includes three difficulty levels, so youcan play against a computer player that matches your skill level. Amove randomization engine ensures that your device won't keepmaking the same moves over and over again.Tic Tac Toe Free offers a host of exciting features,including:* Nice graphics* Set player names and Tacking score of both side* Switch one screen to another screen easily* Automatic save when you get a phone callTic Tac Toe is a great way to pass the time, whether you'restanding in line or spending time with the kids. Get Tic Tac ToeFree now and let the fun begin!
iMFAS Field Collection System 1.3.1
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
The iMFAS is the Flagship product of InitVentConsulting Services Ltd. This is an online based comprehensivesolution for large scale Micro Finance organization across theglobe. Using this all the micro banking operations like customermanagement, Savings management, Loan Management, PersonnelManagement, Accounting Management, Branch/Unit Level Operations,Field collections using android based hand held devices,Organization Level integration, etc. can be performed very smoothlyand efficiently. It’s a total solution for micro bankingorganizations.iMFAS Field Collection System is a mobile client for iMFAS(Integrated Micro Finance Automation Suite) of InitVent ConsultingServices Ltd. to collect customers Savings & Loan installmentsfrom the Field - clients doorstep or meeting place. iMFAS is anonline ERP for Micro Fiance Institutions across the globe. Atpresent a number of MFIs including BURO Bangladesh are the clientsof this service.Description: This can work as Online or Offline File based mode. Incase of online using RESTful Web Service it communicates with theiMFAS service . In case of offline it depends on CSV file forcollection data (Customers along with Savings & Loan Accounts).This app has its own Database - SQLite. To start working on it oneneed to import data first. When the collection is finished s/heneeds to export the collected data. For working this import/export,first one needs to do the settings for data source, either File orOnline. Otherwise it will not work.For getting demo settings (configuration/file) contact us!
Student Planner 1.2.2
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
Organize student's classes, tests, homework and other events withnotifications
iMFAS Field Admission 1.1.1
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
The Field Admission is the Flagship productofInitVent Consulting Services Ltd. This is an online andOfflinebased comprehensive solution for large scale MicroFinanceorganization across the globe.By this app Field Officers todo themember survey,admission and first savings account openingfrom thefield . A Field Officer can takes/captures photo andsignatures ofthe member at live time during Field Member Admission.This is agreat tool to save lot of effort and time of both theMember andField Officer. A Member need not come to the officePhysically foradmission.This App can work as Online or Offline File based mode.In case of online using RESTful Web Service it communicates withtheiMFAS service to get the Location & Other officialInformationto admit a Member by identifying theBranch,Area,Zone,Sub-zone of anOrganization . After finishing theAdmission Process Field OfficerExport the Admitted Members data tothe Organization Server.In case of offline , Officer Export the Admitted Members data toCSVfile due to lacking of Internet and Finally synchronize thatfile toOrganization Server .To work with Field Admission, first one needs to do thesettingsfor data source with UserID & PassWord Provided byOrganization,either File or Online. Otherwise it will notwork.For getting demo settings (configuration/file) contact!
iMFAS Dashboard 1.1.1
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
The iMFAS Dashboard is the Flagship productofInitVent Consulting Services Ltd. . This app Provides adashboardand helps executives and top management to get an overviewof theorganization instantly.The overview is presented both intextualand graphical mode.To work with iMFAS Dashboard, first one needs to do the settingsfordata source with UserID & PassWord Provided byOrganization,either File or Online. Otherwise it will notwork.For getting demo settings (configuration/file) contact!
Tenant System 1.0
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
This is the mobile version of tenant task complaint
Janitor System 1.0
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
Task management system is a web application. Where a janitor usermanage different type of building task and finally generate aninvoice for that task that is submit to building owner for bill.Janitor system is a mobile version for task management system. Ajanitor company has few employees, where the chief of this companymanage the building task using this app. Following features areavailable in this app. Initially there is no data available. So,for settings related data must be login to the application in firsttime. Features are - Login for list of task (which is generated bytenant, repeating task or janitor created task) - List of task inmain view - Janitor can create new task - One or more attachmentcan attached with task by janitor - One or more picture that isrelated to task or attachment is added to task or attachment. -Janitor can create new info for a particular building. - List ofinfo are available for different building. - Janitor user can editdaily total task registered hours. - Finished task list isavailable for a particular janitor.
DRI-AIMS 1.0.12
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
DRI AIMS allow for self-service system for monitoring progress ofTraining in CSLG capacity building, GCF fund creation, operationand management, and application of iMFAS for GCF operation. Thissystem will also be applicable for (physical output) monitoring ofother pieces of work, viz. Training of MSE clients in smallbusiness accounting and financial management together with followup training in application of the “ez2count” solution and Trainingof MSE clients in completing data and information collection formsfor both narrative and Financials sections of the business plan(BP). This will be immediately followed on with training in theapplication of the “ez2plan” app for Financials section of the BP.The fourth component of the physical output monitoring relates to“connecting MSEs to bank financing”. The second part of the MIS isFinancing Monitoring to track the Client’s payment due by date,Client payment received by date with respect to each of the fees,Client payment balance with respect to each of the fees.
iMFAS Dashboard 2 1.1.2
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
iMFAS Dashboard provide information to top management at a glace
EZ2PLAN 1.0.12
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
A business plan is a statement of a set of business goals,thereasons why they are believed attainable, and the plan forreachingthose goals. It also contains background information abouttheinvestor attempting to reach those goals. The ez2plan willhelpMSEs (Micro and Small Enterprise) to prepare the finanicialsforthe business plan and will get the indication whether the planisviable or not. The business plan begins with completing a setofinformation that relates to personal background oftheentrepreneur, followed by topics that form core of a businessplan.The ez2plan will help MSEs to develop their investmentfinancialswith considerable ease. Long Text ------------------ AnMSE canutilise the business plan for the following purpose: oDefine andrealise the business that s/he intends to carry out. oCreate aroadmap for a successful business o Use business planforfeasibility and reality check o Make better decisions oUsebusiness plan as a tool to access financial services Theez2planwill allow the investor in his/her business to have aclearunderstanding and estimate of risk and return of investment inthebusiness. Risk is associated with uncertainty ofmarket,instability of supportive policy, occurrence of localconflict andwars, outcome of natural disaster, etc. Return is thegains madefrom the investment undertaking, measured in terms ofprofit ortotal money received by the investor over a period of timefrom thebusiness. If the accumulated money or cash flow receivedtakes toolong to recover the total investment made in the business,then therisk associated with the business is high. Cash flowreceived inamounts making up total investment amount over a shortertimeentails low risk. Financing agencies like banks or otherinvestorsin the business need to make a thorough assessment of thefarmer’sbusiness plan in order to ensure that the businessgeneratesadequate cash flow. Financing bank, for instance, wouldlike toknow the period it will take for the business to generateenoughnet cash flow to recover the total new investment and payback theloan. Business Planning is a challenging exercise for aninvestoroperating on any scale – micro, small or medium scale.Knowledge ofsome fundamentals of business and finance is needed toprepare asound business plan. This tool on business planning hasbeendesigned with the objective of providing guidance to its usersforpreparing a full-scale yet simple business plan that formsapowerful tool for assessing all critical aspects of abusinessinvestment undertaking, assessing financials andexaminingfinancial return and risk associated with the businessinvestment.
IMFAS Field Assistant Pro 1.0.15
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
The iMFAS is the Flagship product of InitVent Consulting ServicesLtd. This is an online-based comprehensive solution for large scaleMicro Finance organizations across the globe. Using this all themicro banking operations like customer management, SavingsManagement, Loan Management, Personnel Management, AccountingManagement, Branch/Unit Level Operations, Field assistants usingandroid based handheld devices, Organization Level integration,Reporting, etc. can be performed very smoothly and efficiently.It’s a total solution for micro banking organizations. iMFAS FieldAssistant System is a mobile client for iMFAS (Integrated MicroFinance Automation Suite) of InitVent Consulting Services Ltd. tocollect customers Savings & Loan installments from the Field -clients doorstep or meeting place. iMFAS is an online ERP for MicroFinance Institutions across the globe. At present, a number of MFIsincluding BURO Bangladesh are the clients of this service.Description: This can work as an Online or Offline File-based mode.In the case of online using RESTful Web Service, it communicateswith the iMFAS service. In case of offline, it depends on the CSVfile for collection data (Customers along with Savings & LoanAccounts ). This app has its own Database - SQLite. To startworking on it one needs to import data first. When the collectionis finished s/he needs to export the collected data. For workingthis import/export, the first one needs to do the settings for thedata source, either File or Online. Otherwise, it will not work.For getting demo settings (configuration/file) contact us Enjoy!
EZ2COUNT 1.1.10
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
The ez2cont has been designed for small business to managetheircomplete accounting needs with little knowledge ofunderlyingaccounting principles. This application will help tomanage Sales,Purchase, Inventory, Expenses, Payments, Receivablesand Payablesin a simple way. The ez2count is primarily an androidbased mobileapp. However, in the initial versions, new customer(user)induction will be done through a web-based application, bytheapplication management personnel. However, in nearfuture,self-customer registration process might be introduced. Onceacustomer is inducted into the system, he/she can log in tothesystem with the assigned user id and password, can configurethesystem and start working. This application will haveinteractivedashboard containing sales, purchase, receipt,payments,receivables, payables, etc. along with easy navigationoption andfew graphical representations viz. pie chart and barchart. Thereports will have option to export to pdf, share to theotherstandard apps like Email, WhatsApp and other media. Thereports canbe printed. Application will support the followingfeatures: 1.Updating client’s organization’s detail informationincludingpreferences and settings 2. Customize system default ChartofAccounts with extensibility option 3. Define Product orServicealong with pricing and opening stock, where applicable. 4.DefiningDiscounts and Tax applicable for Sales and Purchase 5.Create SalesInvoice – Can be added multiple product/service, taxand discounts6. Making the sales invoice payments having options offullpayment, partial payment and sales in credit. Allow makingsingleinvoice payment in multiple partial payment. 7. CreatePurchaseBill – Can be added multiple product, tax and discount 8.Makingpurchase Bill payment having options of full payment,partialpayment and purchase in credit. Allow making single billpayment inmultiple partial payment. 9. Options for making otherreceipts andpayments (Cash inflow and outflow) other than Sales andPurchaseusing standard Voucher entry 10. Options for makingstandardJournal entry 11. Customer management option 12.Suppliermanagement option 13. Number of reports viz. Balance Sheet,Profit& Loss Account, Cash Flow Statement, Receipt &Payments,Sales, Purchase, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable,Cash Book,Bank Book, Ledger Book, Trial Balance, Product SalesReport,Salesby Clients, Sales by Products, Sales Invoice Aging,ProductPurchase Report, Purchase Bill Aging, Profit & LossReport,Inventory/Stock Report will be available.
iMFAS Field Collection System2 1.5.3
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
The iMFAS is the Flagship product of InitVent ConsultingServicesLtd. This is an online based comprehensive solution forlarge scaleMicro Finance organization across the globe. Using thisall themicro banking operations like customer management,Savingsmanagement, Loan Management, Personnel Management,AccountingManagement, Branch/Unit Level Operations, Fieldcollections usingandroid based hand held devices, OrganizationLevel integration,etc. can be performed very smoothly andefficiently. It’s a totalsolution for micro banking organizations.iMFAS Field CollectionSystem is a mobile client for iMFAS(Integrated Micro FinanceAutomation Suite) of InitVent ConsultingServices Ltd. to collectcustomers Savings & Loan installmentsfrom the Field - clientsdoorstep or meeting place. iMFAS is anonline ERP for Micro FianceInstitutions across the globe. Atpresent a number of MFIsincluding BURO Bangladesh are the clientsof this service.Description: This can work as Online or OfflineFile based mode. Incase of online using RESTful Web Service itcommunicates with theiMFAS service . In case of offline it dependson CSV file forcollection data (Customers along with Savings &Loan Accounts). This app has its own Database - SQLite. To startworking on itone need to import data first. When the collection isfinished s/heneeds to export the collected data. For working thisimport/export,first one needs to do the settings for data source,either File orOnline. Otherwise it will not work. For getting demosettings(configuration/file) contact us at!
IMFAS Field Assistant Max 1.0.3
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
Micro Finance operations management solution
IMFAS Field Assistant 2.0
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
Mobile client to collect customers Savings & Loaninstallmentsfrom the Field.
IMFAS Micro Banking System 1.0.16
InitVent Consulting Services Ltd
A cloud based group or samity software